Shots travel to the mouse pointer instantly, dealing high damage to a single target.
In-Game Description
Sniper is the fourth weapon in the AP5.1 upgrade tree, coming after Rifle. It is one of the 8 weapons in the second specialisation tier. It is a fairly simple weapon, but at times difficult to use.
Sniper takes the appearance of a flattened Rifle, with a further extended barrel. The side plates now integrate into the sides, and flick out on firing.
Attack Description
Sniper dispenses with the projectile idea entirely, instead utilising an instant bolt, travelling directly to the mouse cursor, hitting anything there and then despawning, even if nothing was hit. This singular shot hits exactly one box, sorting by age of box. This means that even stacked boxes must be shot multiple times.
Use Cases
Sniper's instant precise shot requires careful aim, making larger and/or slower targets preferable to maximise
this weapon's potential.
Sniper, by its very nature, is a single-target weapon, and any attempt at
multi-target use will likely be met with catastrophic failure. I don't think I have to say anything more.
Version History
- Added