Explosions set targets on fire.
In-Game Description
Incendiary is the fourth weapon in the AP1.1 upgrade tree, coming after Bomb Shooter. It is one of the 8 weapons in the second specialisation tier, focusing towards damage over time (DoT) to a single area.
Incendiary takes on the appearance of Bomb Shooter, but with larger shielding parts, curving outwards at the back. Each part is additionally held by 2 supports instead of one.
Attack Description
Incendiary's attack pattern is entirely unchanged from Bomb Shooter, firing a single shot forwards.
Use Cases
Incendiary's incredibly powerful DoT effect reduces its uselessness against single targets, increasing bossfight viability.
However, the DoT effect is also applied by the explosion, increasing its multi-target potential by the same amount: A single shot can deal more than 80 damage to each hit entity, making this weapon ideal for clearing out large groups of metal boxes.
Version History
- Added